AA Intergroup Toronto To contact someone if you need to talk if you think you are struggling with alcohol 24/7 Hotline 1-877-404-5591 https://www.aatoronto.org
For AA Meeting Information AA Intergroup Barrie 705-725-8682 www.barrieaa.org
For Secular AA Information www.brownbaggerssecularaa.com 3 Zoom daytime meetings and 4 In-Person meetings We also lists other Secular meetings All are welcome
For Simcoe County Mental Health Crisis line If you are in need of help for any mental health matters including suicide, depression, anxiety, addiction 1-888-893-8333 24/7 crisis line www.cmhastarttalking.ca
For ConnexOntario Free and confidential health services information for anyone experiencing problems with alcohol, drugs, mental health and/or gambling. Available 24/7 1-866-531-2600
For Telehealth Ontario To speak to a registered nurse for help with any health matters including depression, anxiety, addiction or any mental health concerns. This is free and confidential 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-866-797-0000
For Distress and Crisis Distress Centres across Ontario for the lonely, depressed and/or suicidal people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The website also offers a chat function www.dcontario.org