Abraham Lincoln
Address to the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois 22 February 1842. by Abraham Lincoln Although the temperance cause has been in progress for near twenty years,
A Secular AA Group
We would not be Who We Are
Without looking back at Where We Have Been
Address to the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois 22 February 1842. by Abraham Lincoln Although the temperance cause has been in progress for near twenty years,
“I’m glad it’s over,” said Larry Knight, a 59-year-old woodworker who launched the complaint against Greater Toronto Area Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous in 2014. “I took a lot of time
Second Lieut. Bill Wilson didn’t think twice when the first butler he had ever seen offered him a drink. The 22-year-old soldier didn’t think about how alcohol had destroyed his
A printer in Cornwall, NY, named Edward Blackwell, had been highly recommended to Bill Wilson. Blackwell was the President of Cornwall Press. So Bill and Hank Parkhurst (author of the
On a Friday night, September 17, 1954, Bill Dotson died in Akron, Ohio. “That is, people say he died, but he really didn’t,” wrote Bill Wilson. “His spirit and works
Alcoholism is an obsession of the mind that condemns one to drink and an allergy of the body that condemns one to die.” — Dr. Wm. D. Silkworth THE STRANGE
Marty Mann and the Early Women of AA By bob k A tremendous change has taken place over the past few generations in the way alcoholics are viewed in our
What is AA? By Roger C. Let’s go simple with the answer to this question. Fellowship We can start with the first sentence of the AA Preamble published in 1947
About Sponsorship in AA aabeyondbelief.org/2019/06/23/about-sponsorship-in-aa/ June 23, 2019 As a newcomer, I felt as if I was under constant pressure to get a sponsor. During meetings people often shared tidbits
Historical Data: The Birth of A.A. and Its Growth in the U.S./Canada A.A. had its beginnings in 1935 at Akron, Ohio, as the outcome of a meeting between Bill W.,
Defining Recovery in AA in the 21st Century By Dave W. My goodness we are an efficient bunch in AA. Got it all nailed down. Nothing new under the sun.
*** Although we are an official A.A. Group, this website is not affiliated with A.A. or A.A. World Services ***
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Brown Baggers Secular AA
Collingwood – Wasaga Beach, ON